Asthma Treatment Clinic in Portland and Tigard, OR
If you are searching for an asthma specialist near you, look no further and visit Columbia Clinic Urgent Care. Our specialist will perform a thorough checkup and provide comprehensive treatment to you and your loved ones. For more information, contact us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you at Tibbetts St Portland, Stark Street Portland and Tigard, OR.

Table of Contents:
What does an asthma specialist do?
What are the types of asthma?
What causes asthma?
What are the treatment options available for asthma?
Breathing is the single most vital function performed by the human body. It provides our bodies with the oxygen they need to live and properly function. Most of the time, breathing goes unnoticed, occurring silently in the background until it is brought to our attention. Unfortunately, breathing does not come as easy for some as it does for others, which is especially true for those affected by asthma. Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. Common symptoms include wheezing, chest tightness, breathlessness, difficulty breathing, and coughing at night or early in the morning.
Asthma specialists are specially trained to treat people who have problems breathing and help people living with asthma better manage their condition. They can conduct lung-function tests, assist in stabilizing a person who is having an asthma attack, and administer inhaled medications. Asthma specialists also provide training and education to people with asthma.
There are several types of asthma, including:
Adult-Onset Asthma — Adult-onset asthma is an asthmatic condition that only presents itself during adulthood, meaning that no symptoms were experienced as a child or adolescent.
Allergic Asthma — In certain cases, allergies can trigger an asthmatic episode, although this is not always the case.
Asthma-COPD Overlap — This type of asthma occurs when a person has asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) at the same time. These two conditions are not directly related, but can occur in the same individual.
Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB) — Also known as exercise-induced asthma, people with EIB may start wheezing or coughing during exercise, or physical exertion might make it difficult for them to breathe.
Nonallergic Asthma — Nonallergic asthma is triggered by factors other than allergies, such as viral respiratory infections, exercise, irritants in the air, stress, weather conditions, medications and certain food additives.
Occupational Asthma — People with occupational asthma typically experience symptoms directly related to their job or work-related duties, such as when working around chemical fumes, dust or other irritants.
No one really knows what causes asthma. However, we do know that asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways with causes that can vary from person to person. One consistency of asthmatic conditions is that when airways come into contact with a trigger, they become narrow, inflamed and fill with mucus. Some triggers of asthma attacks include:
– Allergies
– Food and food additives
– Exercise
– Heartburn
– Smoking
– Sinusitis
– Medications
– Weather
– Smoke
The important thing to remember is that asthma symptoms, there severity, and treatment plans can vary from person to person, and even the same individual’s condition may fluctuate throughout the course of a year.
The two most common types of asthma medications are relievers which act as a rescue inhaler and provide fast but short-term relief of symptoms, and controllers which treat the long-term, underlying inflammation in the airways. People living with asthma should speak with their healthcare professional about finding a treatment plan that is appropriate for their situation.
If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of asthma, or have a confirmed diagnosis of asthma, come to Columbia Clinic Urgent Care today to meet with our asthma specialist. Our kind and compassionate professionals are experienced in treating asthma and can help you better manage your condition to live a better quality of life. Call one of our locations today to book an appointment, or simply walk right in! We serve patients from Tibbetts St Portland, Milwaukie OR, Oak Grove OR, Stark Street Portland, Fairview OR, Happy Valley OR, Gladstone OR, Cedar Mill OR, Tibbetts Street Portland OR, West Linn OR, Aloha OR, Tigard OR, Lake Oswego OR, Tualatin OR, Oregon City OR.