Seasonal Influenza Treatment Specialist Questions and Answers
Seasonal influenza can take a while to go and disturb your health and life. Get yourself treated if you are suffering from seasonal influenza at Columbia Clinic Urgent Care. For more information, call us or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in 82nd Avenue Portland OR, Mall 205 Portland OR and Tigard OR.

Table of Contents:
What type of flu is seasonal?
How do you get the seasonal flu?
How long does seasonal influenza last?
How is influenza treated?
There are four different types of influenza viruses, they are A, B, C and D. The seasonal influenzas are A and B which are commonly seen during flu season almost every winter throughout the world.
Seasonal flus are known medically as influenza, which is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, the respiratory system is made up of the nose, throat, and lungs. Seasonal flu is not like the stomach bug, though it is commonly mixed up and thought to be, the stomach virus is what causes diarrhea and vomiting to occur.
Often influenza A and B start off like any other common cold with a runny nose, sneezing and sore throat. While colds end up developing at a slower pace, seasonal influenza tends to come on suddenly and fast. Common signs you often see with influenza A and B that may vary from the common cold include:
– Fever
– Aching muscles
– Chills
– Sweats
– Headache
– Dry and persistent cough
– Shortness of breath
– Tired
– Weak
– Runny nose
– Stuffy nose
– Sore throat
– Eye pain
– Vomiting
– Diarrhea
The seasonal influenza virus travels throughout the air in droplets of someone who is infected and when they begin to cough, sneeze or even talk, those droplets end up coming out of their system into the air and can enter your system by inhaling the droplets or if you pick up an item that has these germs on it from the infected individual, these items could be everyday items like a computer keyboard, door handle, a phone etc. then it can be transferred to your system if you touch your face like your eyes, nose, or mouth.
Anyone who is contagious with the seasonal influenza virus are more likely contagious the day prior to noticing their symptoms appearing, and stay contagious until around five days after the symptoms first appeared.
Influenza viruses are constantly manipulating themselves into new strains, especially the influenza A strain. Now if you’ve previously had a strain of the seasonal influenza virus, your body has created antibodies towards this strain to fight it; however, this doesn’t mean you won’t get the flu again, if a different strain of the influenza virus were to enter your body that it has never dealt with before, it has no antibodies to fight it off easily, so you may get sick again.
Most seasonal influenza viruses last around 7 to 10 days, some may take a bit longer and other individuals may get severe complications.
Seasonal influenza symptoms are actually your body’s natural way of fighting off the virus and is showing the signs of fighting the virus and healing you. With each continuous day that passes, the immune system is working so diligently to fight it off, so you can get better faster and get back to your daily activities.
Seasonal influenza virus’ cannot be helped with medicines, you need to naturally help yourself get better by:
Best to take time to let your body rest, relax and sleep when you can. This will help your body fight off the virus easier.
Drinking plenty of fluids to help you flush out any and all of the toxic junk in your body by drinking clear fluids like water, tea or even sports drinks.
Finally, it will take time for your body to fight off the virus and completely heal.
In all actuality, it is best for your body to let the virus run its course, there are symptom relievers available for you that you can buy over-the-counter to help, but rest, fluids, and time is the best to help. Make sure to constantly clean your hands as well, as this will help you get better faster as well.
For more information about seasonal influenza, contact Columbia Clinic Urgent Care today! We serve patients from Portland OR, PDX, Tigard OR, Milwaukie OR, Cedar Hills OR, Cedar Mill OR, Lake Oswego OR, Oak Grove OR, Vancouver WA, Aloha OR, Minnehaha WA, Gladstone OR, Tualatin OR, West Linn OR, Fairview OR, Oregon City OR.