Tetanus Shot Clinic Q&A
A tetanus shot is a vaccine that protects against tetanus, a dangerous bacterial infection that can result in muscle stiffness, pain, and swelling. People who have suffered a wound with a higher risk of tetanus contamination may be advised to get a vaccination. The tetanus vaccine is an easy and efficient way to shield you and those around you from a dangerous illness. Tetanus vaccinations are considered a standard component of healthcare and are recommended for all individuals of all ages. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in 82nd Avenue Portland OR, Mall 205 Portland OR, and Tigard OR.

Table of Contents:
What is the purpose of a tetanus shot?
How often do you need to get a tetanus shot?
How do you prevent tetanus after a cut?
Can hydrogen peroxide prevent tetanus?
A tetanus shot is a vaccine that prevents a life-threatening bacterial infection called tetanus, also commonly known as lockjaw. This infection seriously affects your nervous system, causing painful seizure-like spasms that last for several minutes at a time. These spasms typically affect the jaw, neck, back, legs, arms, and hands and can cause difficulty breathing difficulties.
There is currently no cure for tetanus. Once contracted, treatment focuses on managing symptoms and complications at the hospital until the bacterial infection passes – usually after two weeks.
Children and adults need doses of the tetanus vaccine at varying times throughout their lives to protect them from contracting this condition.
Tetanus shots are administered at varying times throughout one’s life to protect them from contracting the potentially life-threatening bacterial infection known as lockjaw (tetanus). While adults require a tetanus shot every 10 years, children require six doses throughout the course of their development. This includes a shot at the following developments marks:
– 2 months old.
– 4 months old.
– 6 months old.
– Between 15 and 18 months old.
– Between 4 and 6 years old.
– Between 11 and 12 years old.
Your physician may also choose to give you an additional tetanus shot if you’ve received a deep puncture, wound, or bite that may have come into contact with dirt, soil, feces, rust, or saliva. These boosters are especially recommended if you don’t know your immunization history, if you got your last tetanus shot more than 10 years ago, or have had less than three tetanus shots in your lifetime.
If you’re received a puncture or wound that has broken the skin, it’s possible to develop tetanus. To prevent this happening, it’s important to be aware of when you were last immunized and if you qualify to receive a tetanus booster.
If you’re an adult who hasn’t had a tetanus booster in the last 10 years, it is recommended that you get one from your primary healthcare provider. If your wound is dirty or may have come intro contact with tetanus, the same advice will likely be given – especially if you haven’t received a booster shot within the last five years.
If you’re unsure about when you received your last tetanus shot, always check in with your medical provider – it’s better to be safe than sorry in these situations.
Hydrogen peroxide can help sterilize a wound but it’s not a substitute for getting a tetanus shot. This is because hydrogen peroxide can’t reach all the way into a wound, especially a deep one, which means the tetanus bacteria can still thrive beneath the skin.
Medical professionals suggest that you clean and disinfect the wound, apply a topical antibiotic to prevent any other bacteria from getting inside the area, and then go to see a doctor about getting a tetanus shot. This way, you’re fully protected and can rest easy knowing that you’ve done everything you can do to prevent infection.
When you get a deep cut, wound, or bite seeking proper medical care is important – especially if that injury may have been contaminated with dirt, soil, feces, rust, or saliva. Your physician may recommend you a tetanus shot to protect you from the life-threatening bacterial infection known as tetanus (lockjaw).
While babies and kids are regularly dosed with the tetanus vaccine as they move through childhood, adults are advised to get a tetanus shot every ten years. This shot is safe, effective, and prevents serious complications that can arise from bacterial infection. At Columbia Clinic Urgent Care, our medical team can provide you with the tetanus shot you need to safeguard your health. Contact us at your earliest convenience for any questions that you may have, or schedule an appointment. We serve patients from Portland OR, PDX, Happy Valley OR, Tigard OR, Milwaukie OR, Cedar Hills OR, Cedar Mill OR, Lake Oswego OR, Oak Grove OR, Vancouver WA, Aloha OR, Minnehaha WA, Gladstone OR, Tualatin OR, West Linn OR, Fairview OR, Oregon City OR.